Condition is a thick substance which coats the cuticle(outer layer) of hair. Just like to moisturize skin certain moisturizers are used like cream or lotion, like wise conditioner is used for moisturizing hair. It keep hair hydrated, softer, smoother, more elastic and manageable.
There are different conditioner for different hair types(i.e. dry, normal and oily). So each type contain different ingredients depending upon the need. Most common ingredients include moisturizers... to lock the moisture in hair, acidity regulators... it smooths hair by tightening up scaly surface, reconstructors... to strenghten the structure of hair, light reflecting chemicals like glossers, oils... to remove dryness, sunscreens... to protect against color loss and sun rays etc.
Forms of Conditioner and their application:
Conditioners come in different forms
Regular conditioner:
These are very commonly used are applied after hair wash using shampoo. They are applied for at least a minute and then rinsed off. They work best for dry and damaged hair. Now a days the companies delivering shampoo are also making conditioner of same type as shown below.
Leave-in Conditioner:
This is also getting common rapidly and is also applied after shampoo in wet hairs but is advised to stay on with out rinsing off. As this is thinner as compare to ordinary or any other form of conditioner so it adds only a small amount to the hair. This is useful for highly active individuals as well as for extra dry hair. They mostly comes in the form of spray as shown in the image.
Pack Conditioner:
This is the most heavier form of conditioner and are very thick. They comes in the form of cream. This is mostly used in parlors for giving extra nourishing treatment for hair. For deep conditioning they place hair under dryer for some time after applying pack conditioner and then rinse off. Same can also be done at home using commercial products as shown.
How often hair should be conditioned:
Use conditioner after every hair wash because no matter how good is your shampoo it does swipes away moisture and oil.
Choosing Conditioner:

Avoid products with too much protein as it will leave your hair feeling desiccated and brittle. As protein is the building block of healthy hair so use conditioners that come with balanced ingredients.
more specific recommendations always consult your hair dresser. Or the
best option is try different products and find the best for your own
Conditioner natural or artificial is very essential
for keeping healthy hair. Adding it in your hair care routine will give
your hair a unique beauty.Good luck....
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